Entitlement Full Version

Talk about a cultural problem: One of the many problems that have existed in cultures for centuries is entitlement.

Define Entitlement: Entitlement is defined as the fact of having the right to something. In other words, with entitlement, you feel that you deserve something.

Talk about Karma: It is almost as if we hope and believe that karma exists. “If I do good things, good things will happen to me”. “If I work hard enough, I will be rewarded”.

Ask about when you were a kid: When you were a kid, what was usually your argument for when you wanted something?…”Everyone else has it! Why can’t I have it”…We compared then and we compare now. This argument is evidence of coveting, which is a sin. As you can see, entitlement can lead you down a dangerous path.

Read 2 Corinthians 10: 1-18, specifically 2-3, 7, 12, and 17


  • Verses 2-3: What does “Be in this world, not of this world mean?”…Don’t be controlled by what the world is telling you to do or be. Instead, be a disciple and sacrifice yourself (e.g. time, money, etc) for God while you live here temporarily.
  • Verse 7: Don’t judge others by the things they possess. We have a tendency to compare ourselves to others. We sometimes try to measure up to others or look down on someone because of the things they possess (e.g. money, cars, clothes, etc).
  • Verse 12: Don’t compare yourself to others. (NLT) “Oh, don’t worry; we wouldn’t dare say that we are as wonderful as these other men who tell you how important they are! But they are only comparing themselves with each other, using themselves as a standard as measurement. How ignorant!”
  • Ask about comparing: Why shouldn’t we compare ourselves to others?
  • Verse 17: Don’t boast about yourself. Boast in the name of Lord.
  • Talk about comparing: Once we stop comparing ourselves to others and start to depend on our faith in God, we won’t see a need in comparison. We will feel more satisfied than we did without God.


Read John 14:1-14, specifically 6


  • Verse 6: Remain in God. Without Him, we are worthless. With Him, we have a purpose.
  • Difficulties with believing this: Sometimes it is difficult for us to live by this: “(Jesus) is the way, the truth, and the life.” We sometimes doubt that His ways are the best ways.
  • Talk about expecting: Also, we sometimes expect that things should go our way in our faith. Sometimes we, including me, expect that God will do all the work with our faith. In other words, we think, “I am going to wait to do anything drastic in my faith until God gives me a clear sign”.
  • Talk about the sign from God: Honestly, the sign has already been given to us and its clear what the instructions are…The Bible is our sign.
  • Ask about instructions: What are some of the clear instructions that the Bible contains?
  • Read Matthew 5:42 and Proverbs 22:9…Give to the poor, lend people money.
  • Read Matthew 28:19…Make disciples of all nations
  • …and much more.
  • Talk about expectation and prayer: When you pray, your prayers won’t always get answered the way you want or expect them to. God doesn’t always give people what they think they deserve, but you may receive blessing (there is no predictable formula to blessings).


Read Romans 5:1-11, specifically 2,3-5, and 8


  • Verse 2: Glorify God because we know the hope of God: We have been saved by His grace.
  • Verses 3-5: Glorify God in our sufferings because they make us stronger.
  • Verse 8: The label of “sinner” has been wiped from us (those who put their faith in God). The new label that is on us is “Child of God”.
  • Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
  • Talk about answers: Sometimes we feel entitled to know the answers now, especially when it comes to prayers or answers about the future.
  • Ask about knowing: What do you feel entitled to know/wish you knew the answer to?


Read Galatians 4:1-7, specifically 4


  • Verse 4: Be Patient. (“But when the time had finally come…”). You are not in control of the universe. God is.


Read Ecclesiastes 3:1-8


  • Verses 1-8: There is a time for everything. It is God’s decision on when. Not ours.


Summary Themes:

  • Be in the world, not of the world.
  • Don’t covet, love the things you have, or idolize anything other than God.
  • Don’t compare yourself to others.
  • Don’t judge others by the things they possess.
  • When we live completely for God, we won’t find the need to compare ourselves to others.
  • Don’t expect everything to go your way.
  • Glorify God in everything you do.
  • Don’t wait for a sign to act out in faith. Your sign has already been give to you.
  • There is a time for everything.
  • Be patient.




Bible Study Tools. (2017). Retrieved from http://www.biblestudytools.com/

NIV Life Application Study Bible. (2011). Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.

The Bible Knowledge Commentary: New Testament. (2004). Colorado Springs, Colorado: International Bible Society.

The Bible Knowledge Commentary: Old Testament. (2004). Colorado Springs, Colorado: International Bible Society.

Unger, M. F. (1976) Unger’s bible disctionary. Chicago, IL: The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.

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