Read Isaiah 53
Talk about the prophecy of Jesus from the Old Testament…This is scripture in the Old Testament that is prophesying Jesus Christ (God in Flesh) dying on the cross. “…He took up our pain,..was pierced for our transgressions,…bore the sins of many…and by his wounds we are healed”. This is Old Testament Scripture. Also to note, this man (Jesus Christ/God in Flesh) was directly sent by God from heaven, the dwelling place of God himself. Verse 8 says, “For he was cut off from the land of the living [heaven]”.
Read Numbers 6:24-26…These verses indicates a potentially prophetic indication of Jesus’s (God in Flesh) coming to Earth “making His face shine on you and be gracious to you, the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace”.
Read Isaiah 63:7-14… These verses indicate obvious connections between the Father and Holy Spirit. “..He who set His Holy Spirit [God in us] among them.”
Talk about the connection between God and the Holy Spirit: These verses show that God places His Holy Spirit in us, thus clarifying the connection between Him and His Holy Spirit.